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entire series中文是什么意思

用"entire series"造句"entire series"怎么读"entire series" in a sentence


  • 整级数


  • You have before you an entire series of mathematical combinations
  • And add 20 more words so by the end of the entire series which will be level 9
  • So by the end of the entire series , which will be level 9 , that will be 100 % in the target language
    这样一来,到整个系列丛书学习的最后阶段,即第九阶段,我们将舍去母语,完全采纳目的语言行文。 ”
  • Somebody ( so by the ) end ( of ) the entire series , which should ( will ) be level nine , that will be 100 percent in the target language
    所以当学完整个系列,也就是第九级,那就会百分之百的变为目标语言了。 ”
  • I wrote an entire series on the life of nehemiah and how he had the faith to rebuild broken dreams . nehemiah is not a fictional person
  • Will probably read the entire series , but will focus on the project planning article , and the article on developing and building the portal
  • To understand the complete process , and to be able to anticipate the tasks and events which might occur throughout the project , read the entire series
  • Architects might read the entire series but they could focus on chapters 2 - 4 , which cover the portal workshop , project planning and task estimation , and portal design
    架构师可能需要阅读整个系列,不过他们可以把主要精力放在第2 - 4章,其中介绍了入口网站研讨会专案计画和任务评估以及入口网站设计。
  • Xiangxing owns rich technology and professional managers especially in metal processing technology , xiangxing has the characteristics in more kinds of products , more entire series and high - quality
  • The company has the formidable technical force , the advanced production and the check - out facility , the strict quality control and the rich management experience , produces the entire series solar energy product
  • 更多例句:  1  2
用"entire series"造句  


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